Tag Archives: candy hosts pussy riot

Big Events this weekend coming, Aug. 24th & 25th

Candy hosts to big fundraisers:

Friday August 24th

Come out to support and help Pussy Riot this Friday Aug. 24th Hosted by TV Host of The Candy Show, Candy Palmater

Saturday August 25th

IWK children fundraiser in Havre Boucher, NS, event put on by Scared Temple Tattoo, Hosted by Candy Palmater of TV series, The Candy Show

Later on Saturday Candy will be in Eskasoni First Nation to perform Comedy for The Residential School Survivors in Cape Breton.

Follow Candy on Twitter Candy will be tweeting as she is on the road and at these events. Be sure to subscribe to the website, to receive all the latest news.

Halifax Musicians – Here is a video you do not want to miss.
