Tag Archives: Manitou Ahbee

And the WINNER Goes to…. The Candy Show

Candy WinnerHello beautiful people,

Sorry for the long delay in our update. We have many  updates and news for you. We hope you had a fantastic summer, and are enjoying the fall weather of sunshine and crispy days.

Since our last post of Dog Days of Summer, hosted by Candy Palmater in Halifax, she has been traveling for comedy, speaking and Television events all summer and into early fall. Candy has been nominated for two Awards: Nova Scotia Music Award (Media Person of the Year), and also an APCMA (Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards) for Best Television Series Promoting Aboriginal Music on a National Level. The winner of the APCMA category is: THE CANDY SHOW – Candy’s hit national TV series on APTN.  Much anticipated and greatly appreciated, Candy and I would like to thank every one of you fans, family, friends, colleagues, clients and subscribers who voted. This is a prestigious Award in Canada, awarded by the people, the voters.  We Thank you with all our hearts.  The Nova Scotia Music Award is still a nomination at this point, but will know this fall who will win the category. (this award is for Nova Scotia only and is voted by the industry members).

Candy’s National TV show: The Candy Show, is not syndicated, is in it’s fifth season, now post-production and will soon air on APTN. No date is released by the network as of yet. You can watch The Candy Show weekly on APTN, or on line HERE.


Candy headlined the Entertainment night for the Mi’Kmaq Summer Games 2014 in Potlotek First Nation. Opening for her was Don Burnstick and another local upcoming comedian, with Candy’s set on after the family fireworks. The night was stellar and a rare treat as many witness Candy’s Corporate comedy, but this late night show was her blue comedy. The organizers planned the event to provide a mix mash of variety for the audience.

Candy has traveled to Moose Cree First Nation for comedy performance and to Wikwemikong Unceded First nation for motivational, inspirational keynote speeches, on Manitoulin Island. Beautiful place to visit.

Candy hosted the Industry Award Night presented by RBC, the Ohshki Awards – the same night her category was announced and she won. The Nationally Televised Award night, Candy was the presenter for Song of The Year, and had a stroll down the red carpet with her well earned Award. The two nights were filled with the best talent in Canada, what we call Red Hollywood, for Aboriginal people, and with guests from all across the world to attend, perform and receive awards. What a great couple of nights in Winnipeg!

NOW, Candy is back on APTN National News for the Laughing Drum segment, every other Tuesday nights,  and she accepted a position to teach the  Native Studies Course at Dalhousie University in Halifax, once a week.  Still being able to travel all over the globe for events, comedy shows, and speaking to youth, educators, Unions, Corporations and Government – sending messages on love, inclusion, motivation, inspiration and more.

This October, she will be hosting and speaking at the NPAAMB – Dream walkers Gathering in Ontario, for Aboriginal Youth. For more details click here.


Candy is in the process of writing her first book and is busy writing treatments for a handful of other TV projects.  The Candy Show kept her busy for 5 seasons of filming, with her as the ONLY writer for ALL episodes, a rarity in Television.  We will keep you posted on the developments as they unfold.


We still keep up with her YouTube Channel – Click here for her channel, be sure to subscribe and not miss out on a video.

Thank you for your continued support and love. We will update you all her endeavors and keep you in the loop.


Simply click here and I will be happy to book Candy for an appearance, event, festival, gig , TV show and more…

See you again soon,

The Candy Show Team