Today is my second most favorite Holiday. I love everything about Halloween – scary movies, costumes, make up, fall time of year and candy kisses.  I will be uploading my top 10 favorite scary movies to my YouTube Channel this afternoon, please be sure to tune in and subscribe to my YouTube Channel in preparation for the video. By clicking HERE you will be taken to my Channel.

Top 10 Horror Movie Video

Recent Engagements

I have been on the road traveling the country for Comedy, TV, Professional Speaking and Hosting for the past few months. I have been posting photos and updates on my website and I wanted to share with you where I have been in the last couple weeks.  I had the pleasure of visiting North Nova Education Centre and Northumberland Regional High School, speaking to students about Diversity, Inclusion with the world theme of “Born This Way”.  Speaking to High School students is very important to me, definitely one of my high lights each year.  North Nova Education Centre was so welcoming, I have to show you some great pictures we took while visiting.  Much love greeted me as I entered the front doors, and I was well looked after by everyone, Thank you.

  *Click the picture to make the slide show move through faster*