Tag Archives: gay comedian

WEDNESDAY Feb. 5th on APTN 10pm EST – Season 4 NEW episode The Candy Show

Season 4 is currently airing a NEW episode every Wednesday night on APTN and APTN HD channels at 10pm EST/ 11pm AST. Late night TV like no other.  The Candy Show is written/ produced/ starring female comedian Candy Palmater, with Guests:

IAN Sherwood: East Coast Musician and the Creator of the theme song for The Candy Show.

JACOB Pratt: Incredible, talented Hoop Performer/ dancer

CANDY Palmater: unique, gay, native, female Comedian delivers a monologue off the top.

The Candy Show is filmed in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Season 5 will be filmed end of April to first week in May 2014. For FREE tickets.


Ian SherwoodCandy PalmaterJacob PrattThe interview Candy and Jacob