Tag Archives: stand up comedian

Stand up Comedy, Event Host, Keynote speaker

Are you looking for an Entertainer for your event, function or festival?
Do you want to find the right Stand Up Comedian that will have you in stitches for 45 minutes straight? Candy Palmater is brash, big and bodacious…. and will leave you wanting more.

To book Candy for your event for Comedy or to Host your Festival or event, please visit the contact/ Bookings page above the website.

Performing for Big Brother Big Sister Gala, Halifax, 2007

Inspirational Keynote speaker/ Diversity Keynote Speaker

Candy Palmater is one of a kind in that she can make you laugh and weep in one single swoop.  Candy’s talent of delivering a Diversity keynote, Aboriginal Keynote and Gay rights keynote is top class, and is highly sought after on the keynote circuit.  Candy Palmater’s keynote address has brought her as far away as New Zealand, and has her delivered powerful and emotional keynote speeches to client’s of many national unions, first nation events, Federal Government, Provincial government organizations, Corporate clients,  Insurance companies, Universities and the list goes on.

To book Candy for your next keynote speaker, please visit the contact/ bookings page above on the top page of the website.Candy speaking at Cape Breton University 2012

Season 3 – Guest Line up for The Candy Show

Production Dates: April 18th, 19th, 20th, & 21st. Two Episodes taped per night.  Candy Palmater, Canadian comedian and  Halifax’s voted #1 comedian over all,  is the ultimate host of her own TV series, and provides stand up comedy in every episode, and interviews all her music guests in her replica of her high school bedroom, in her big pink bed.

April 18th – Guests

– music – Blake Francis/Brandon Johnson &  Jugglers from Halifax Circus
– music – Blake Francis & Aerial Rope artist from Halifax Circus

April 19th – Guests

– music – Three Sheet & Performance by  Eastern Eagle
– music- Ghettosocls & Fire Performer from Halifax Circus

April 20th – Guests

– music – Rhapsody Quintet & performance by  Shakespeare on Trial acting sequence
– music – Forever &  performance by Tanya Davis

April 21st – Guests

– music – Mi’Kmaq Nation & Magic performance by Michael James
– music – Orchid’s Curse & performance Aerial hoop by Cailtan Anthony

To be a part of the live studio audience, please email info@thecandyshow.com
Must be 19 years +

Canadian Comedian – standup comedy night in Elsipogtog tonight

Standup Comedian, hilariously funny comedian Candy Palmater is enroute to a big comedy night for a Christmas party in New Brunswick for Elsipogtok first nation. Canadian comedy at best ,and East Coast comedian of the year is heading to New Brunswick tonight, then to Winnipeg on Tuesday evening.