The holiday season is fast approaching. The gift of laughter is a gift that keeps on giving when Candy Palmater is on stage. Labelled the Thinking Person’s Comic, she will make you laugh to tears and hours later have you wondering, “Why the heck am I thinking about…”
NEW projects in the works – news to break in the coming weeks
WATCH for media and Documentary series Candy has filmed recently to launch – be sure you are subscribed to our website and all our social media platforms where the dates and times will be posted for your viewing pleasure.
NEW radio show in the works/ planning stages for CBC Radio
Listen to Candy on program: Because News and The Next Chapter – various times/ dates as Candy guests
MASSIVE news to drop in the new year 2017 – Are you subscribed yet to our social media? all under TheCandyShow handle – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and of course this official Website
Book you ask – something is coming!!
You can watch all episodes of The Candy Show (Multiple award winning TV Show on APTN) All 5 Seasons still run!
In case you missed it, Candy is on the largest national radio station in Canada and hosting the biggest afternoon talk radio show currently happening during this summer! Check the show out weekdays 1-3PM EST on CBC Radio One and Sirius XM 169, OR check out the podcast Check out the website and all the details of past shows, podcasts, music, guests and more here:
BOOKINGS: Yes, Candy is still booking for events: speaking, hosting, comedy, public appearances and more…. Click here and inquire on rates and availability:
Thanks for listening, and be sure to follow on Social Media:
Happy Friday and Saturday everyone: Some of you will get the notification the day after I post this. Exciting NEW episode of The Candy Show comes to your TV set on Tuesday March 3rd, 2015 on APTN and APTN HD Channels. 9:30PM EST/ 10:30PM AST – be sure to tune in 30 minutes earlier to catch last week’s episode, just before this one airs.
In this episode, titled “Dirty Laundry”, Candy Palmater performs standup comedy for 10 minutes off the top. Then it’s East Coast and West Coast of Canadian music at it’s best. Inez Jasper of British Columbia will have you off your butts dancing, and Charlie A’Court, Blues master extraordinaire, in Germany they call him Charlie Hasselhoff…..anyway, will rock the stage with his incredible band of Kev Corbett on Base and David Skinner on drums. Don;t miss this episode. Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to shake your booty with these two amazing award winning Guests.
The Candy Show was filmed in front of a LIVE studio audience, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Candy Show is 100% written/ Hosted/ Created by Candy Palmater. For mature audiences only.
Tonight Candy rocks the stage with performing Comedy for Inspire Awards. This prestigious event occurs every year, and will be televised to be watched on APTN later. Once we know when it will air I will post it on our website, be sure to subscribe so you will not miss out.
CBC Radio Q – we still wait on the result. On pins and needles. Please keep voicing your strong love for Candy by emailing: Q@CBC.CA and/ or tweet your heart out using #QTheFuture be sure to tag @TheCandyShow, and @CBCRadioQ
NEWS Update: This just came in over the wire last night. The hit national television series, The Candy Show, is nominated for an Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award for promoting/ supporting aboriginal musicians in Canada. This is The Candy Show’s 4th nomination for the hard work and dedication by Candy Palmater own creation. Other nominations include: 2013 Canadian Screen Award nod, 2012 Canadian Screen Award nod, 2013 ECMA (East Coast Music Award) nod, and now 2014 APCMA nod – and maybe a win. Please vote here and let’s secure a win.
Don;t Forget: Saturday June 21st is NATIONAL ABORIGINAL DAY IN CANADA! This means Candy will be televised LIVE on APTN while she Hosts the big FREE outdoor event on the Halifax waterfront. Be there in person or watch from the comfort of your home on your tube. For more information of the summer solstice concert series, click here.
Celebrity Host – Candy Palmater – Live TV Production
To Book Candy for your event – Host, comedian, and speaker – it is just a click away HERE
WATCH The Candy Show Lifestyle YouTube Channel too. It is free and easy to do, and again, it is just a click away. Please subscribe, we would not want you to miss out on a single video. The Candy Show LIFESTYLE YouTube Channel.
We are well on our way to week two of filming the hit National variety TV series, The Candy Show, in Halifax. The nights are all SOLD out and we are only accepting waiting list requests at this point, to be in the studio audience. The incredible line up of guests plus the funniest woman comedian we have right now in the country, Candy Palmater, together make great TV. The Season filming now will air early 2015 some time. The network is far from announcing the launch date. However, be sure to watch Season 4 on TV every Wednesday night on APTN and APTN HD channels.
Tune in to Candys YouTube Channel to watch “Behind the scenes” on The Candy Show Vlogging -click here to watch VLOGRIL.
Guests yet to come: Susan Aglukark, Charlie A’Court, The Stanfields, Iskwe, Inez Jasper, El Jones, George Leach and much more – JUNO Award winners, ECMA winners and of course your TV host/ Comedian and the Creator of The Candy Show – (Sole writer too), Candy Palmater – Mi’Kmaq comedian from a tiny community in northern NB, running 5 seasons of Nationally amazing Television and supporting/ showcasing the Best talents in Canadian Entertainment.
Filming pieces of Candy
AND…. Owner of Fancy Shoes TV INC. Aboriginally owned Production Company. Together Candy Palmater and Johanna Eliot, Candy’s business partner and owner of Ocean Entertainment, are the women powerhouse duo that make fantastic Television.
Fancy Shoes TV INC. A partnership of Candy Palmater and Johanna Eliot of Ocean Entertainment.
Hello Fantastic Candy fans and The Candy Show fans.
Today is day 3 of filming on the awesome TV show The Candy Show Season 5. The first 2 days/ night of filming have been a blast! We had the worlds only Ojibwe Elvis, we had duo pole performing artists, East Coast music talents by: Christine Campbell, Erin Costelo, My Living Will, Red-Suga, Hubert Francis and Halifax circus performer Brandon Gold. This is just the first 2 nights and our jammed packed audiences are wanting more tickets to other nights!It is not too late to get your tickets to more exciting nights coming up. Funny female Aboriginal ( Mi’Kmaq) comedian Candy Palmater has every one in stitches, not just with her well written monologues (written 100% by Candy Palmater solely), but the “in-betweens” keeping the audience active in between shooting, laughing so hard until you are sore. Best of Comedy, and all on The Candy Show. Wear your dancing shoes, be prepared to laugh harder than you ever laughed and get ready for premium Canadian and Aboriginal, Canadian Aboriginal Entertainment. JUNO award winners, ECMA winners, NSMW winners and so much more coming up for filming on The Candy Show Season 5.
Filming pieces of Candy
CONTACT via email for FREE tickets – simply click on this link and email your ticket requests **DO NOT CALL** no one in office to answer your calls we all are on set of The Candy Show.
Location of Venue: 2304 Hunter Street, Halifax
DOOR TIME: 6:10PM opens, closes 6:45pm on the nose – filming begins 7PM
APRIL 30,2014 filming day: (One episode day – handful tix left)
Hottest event in Halifax, and Halifax has tons of exciting events happening every year. The Halifax voted #1 Comedian, Candy Palmater, is heading into her FIFTH Season of The Candy Show, National Variety Television Series on Aboriginal Peoples Television Network, ( APTN). Candy raw and pure in full form will entertain you for hours, over 7 nights. Evening/ night filming of her hit National TV show is in front of a LIVE studio audience, and you are invited. Must be 19 + to attend. Cash bar on site, merchandise on site, the price of the ticket has no nominal value – HOWEVER, each ticket holder brings a non-perishable food item for FEED NS bins that will be at the entrance to the studio. In addition to free night of comedy for 7 nights, Candy has Music guests from all over Canada, with majority being East Coast Music. So, now you have Comedy, Music taken care of… but there is more. The Candy Show will also have Poets, like El Jones Halifax Poet Laureate, plus Halifax Flamenco Dancer Maria Osende, and how about Studio Essence’s Caitlan and Christy on Duo poles… sound fun? Check out the full line up: FREE FREE TICKETS TICKETS click here to email your request.
VLOGGING every day in April – even Pre-Production of The Candy Show Season 5, behind the scenes, and daily life leading up to and including on set Candy as she gears up for filming. So much to see, Vlogril, is happening now on The Candy Show LIFESTYLE YouTube Channel – head on ove: watch, share and subscribe. This is FREE channel to watch. Candy all the time!
See you again soon – Thank you for your support and love of Candy.
The Candy Show Season 5 Guest line up is now released and ready to share with you. The Candy Show is filmed in Halifax, all 13 episodes, which consists of 26 guests plus Candy Palmater, (Comedian/ Host/ Star) of The Candy Show, over 7 days and nights.
This week is a crazy one for Candy Palmater and The Candy Show Entertainment. We start the week of with Happy St. Patrick’s Day and here are 2 Make up looks from The Candy Show LIFESTYLE YouTube Channel you may like: Tutorial #1 and Tutorial #2 We hope you have a safe day today, if you are consuming the alcoholic beverages, and even if you are not drinking please be careful just the same.
Season 4 of The Candy Show S4 is airing another NEW episode this WEDNESDAY March 19th 10pm EST/ 11pm AST – and for all the other time zones in Canada, please check with your service provider for exact airing times. This week we have:
MUSIC: Brooke Miller and Don Ross duo. International Musicians, and Don Ross is the guitar God we all want to aspire to be.
Don Ross/ Brooke Miller on set S4 The Candy Show. WATCH WEDNESDAY March 19th on APTN
PERFORMER: Diabolo specialist Duncan Philpot. If you don;t know what this art is, you have to watch! Nothing like it on TV anywhere, and we have this artist on The Candy Show S4.
Duncan Philpot Performs on Set of S4 The Candy Show. WEDNESDAY March 19th on APTN
THE HOST/ COMEDIAN: Of course each episode is Hosted by the Infamous Candy Palmater,(Halifax Based comedian), the Creator/ Writer/ Producer of this hit National TV show, The Candy Show. (The Candy Show has 2 Canadian Screen Award Nominations to date, and Candy has one ECMA nomination for her show and work on Promoting East Coast Music to the globe). Enjoy a 12 minute Comedy monologue off the top of each episode, then followed up with Music and a Performer. Ultimate Entertainment!
The Candy Show S4
Candy and Duncan on set of S4 The Candy Show
Host/ Comedian/ Writer/ Producer of The Candy Show
The Candy Show S4
Taking a moment with the camera/ TV auidence on set S4 The Candy Show
YOUTUBE: The Candy Show LIFESTYLE YouTube Channel
There is something for everyone on Candy’s YouTube Channel. Makeup tutorials, Rants, comedy, Beauty Product Hauls, Product Hauls, Empty Videos, Book Reviews, OOTD and many more…. Even Vlogs! Head on over and take a look: Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and not miss out on the NEW videos every week: The Candy Show LIFESTYLE YouTube Channel.
NEXT week is the Big Photo shoot for The Candy Show S5 promo pictures. We are in serious Pre-Production mode, gearing up for 13 more high impact, Primo Canadian Entertainment Filming April 24, 25, 26, 30, May 1, 2, 3 2014 in Halifax. FREE Tickets to the taping by visiting our Contact page
That’s it for this week everyone. Thank you for your continued support and Love. Candy and I both love your comments, and if we have not gotten back to you yet, we will. Find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and of course here, The Candy Show!
The Candy Show Wednesday 10pm EST/ 11pm AST on APTN and APTN HD Channels. National Variety TV series with Canadian Music, Stand Up Comedy by Female Funny First Nation comic: Candy Palmater and other Performing artists. The Candy Show is filmed in front of a live studio audience, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
This week:
MUSIC GUEST: Ryan Cook – East Coast Musician
PERFORMANCE BY: Lindsay Eekwol Knight – First Nation poet
COMEDY/ HOST/ WRITER/ CREATOR: Candy Palmater – stand up Comedian