Tag Archives: vote for Candy

Last week to VOTE for Best Of Halifax – Best comedian & Comedy Night

Hey Candy peeps and Fabufans voting is almost over for Best Of Halifax, The Coast Pole.
Would you mind going to the link I provided to vote, on page of the survey, in 2 categories?
– Best Comedian: Candy Palmater
– Best Comedy Night: The Candy Show taping ( really want this one). You can vote from anywhere, and it’s an easy on line survey. Big THANKS to all of you!!!
Voting Ballot

You can vote from anywhere for the Best of Halifax and only once.  Last year Candy took GOLD for the Best Comedian.   Thank you so much


VOTE Candy Palmater for Best Comedian

Hello all you fantastic fans, or as I like to call you FabuFans! Each year The Coast readers get to vote for Best Of Halifax ( BOH), and there are 2 categories we would love to win this year, but we need your help. The link to the ballot is just below this paragraph, and it will take you directly to the are you need to be to vote.  The 2 categories are on the same page, page 2 of the ballot: Best Comedian Candy Palmater and Best Comedy Night The Candy Show taping. Thank you for your support, and you can vote from anywhere, since the voting is on line, and you can vote only once. I have attached Candy’s comedy channel link to her YouTube channel to give you a little taste of her comedy. Voting Ballot

Many Thanks,

Manager – Denise Tompkins

Comedy Channel on YouTube