Comedy, Comedy everywhere

Hello fantastic people.

Candy has been all over the country and is on the road, or to be more accurate, in the air as we speak, traveling to comedy gigs.  Candy performed at the Banff Centre for the Arts last week and is heading to Saskatoon this week.  When Candy is not on the road, in the air you will find her most often on CBC radio DNTO, like this past Saturday.  Here is what you might have missed on DNTO, “First Dates”, Candy’s segment starts at 38:30.

CBC DNTO with Sook-Yin Lee/ Candy Palmater

Television NEWS:

Season 2 of The Candy Show can be watched on line at APTN – The Candy Show

Season 3 of The Candy Show will air in a few months, exact date TBD by Network

Season 4 of The Candy Show Production  – we are waiting on Network, should hear by end of September.  Will post as soon as we know more.

See you next time….