Canada’s only Gay, First nation, National TV personality will be speaking to Aboriginal students next week, as well as Halifax’s Gay community NSRAP Gala night. Candy is one of kind, she wears a few hats: National TV Host, Comedian and Keynote Speaker. Candy travels to high schools all around the Eastern Provinces ( right now), delivering powerful messages to students, educators, Principals alike with a message. The results are incredible, we receive messages every day from students, parents of students and educators showing gratitude for Candy providing the necessary motivation and inspiration the students and those who teach, what they needed to move forward to stay in school and for the teachers, the power to help keep students in class. Candy’s powerful message has helped bullies from a high school she spoke to, to “turn themselves in” to the Principal! Incredible results. To have Candy speak to your school click here Bookings
Candy has been traveling expensively across the country. Next week Candy will be hosting and speaking at the 3 day event in Ontario for Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal Area Management Board’s 5th annual “Dream Walkers Gathering”. This event is to help motivate aboriginal students to help stay in school and graduate.

October 15-19 Candy will be away.
After she is back from Ontario, Candy will be hosting NSRAP ( Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project), Gala Night. October 20th.

To read about NSRAP, please visit the website to learn more. About NSRAP
October 23rd – Candy will be traveling to New Glasgow area of Nova Scotia to speak to 2 high schools.
For inquiries or to book Candy for your event, festival, school, to host your event, comedy or whatever you need, click here
Laughter is the perfect Medicine, Book Candy Today