Canadian Comedian, Candy Palmater Hosts ECMA late night stages

The week of March 6-10th, 2013, is the 25th Annual East Coast Music Awards being held in Halifax, Nova Scotia.  Celebrating all the talent of various genres of music from all the Atlantic Provinces.

Candy Palmater has an ECMA Nomination for Best Media Person of the Year.  For her hard promotion of East Coast Music to the rest of the world, by supporting the East Coast Musicians in sharing them with the world with her hit National Variety Television Series on APTN, The Candy Show. Currently in its 3rd Season, with a New episode premiering Wednesday nights on APTN and APTN HD channels, you can watch an exciting episode with Comedy, Music and visual performances each week. tumblr_inline_mgpzchkQvq1rpbob3

The Candy Show has a Gemini ( Canadian Screen Award) Nomination 2013 – for Season 2.Schedule Candy Palmater Hosting events at the East Coast Music Awards

Thursday March 7th, 2013 – Delta Halifax – midnight to 3AM – Molson Canadian late night

Friday March 8th, 2013 – Casino Halifax – 8PM to 11:59 PM – First Nation Showcase

– Delta Halifax – midnight to 3AM – Molson Canadian late night

Saturday March 9th, 2013 – Delta Halifax – midnight to 3AM – Molson Canadian Late night

For complete details and details on tickets, please visit ECMA Website