All posts by Site Manager

The Candy Show – Season 2

For tickets to Season 2 Production, please email:

*The tickets are complimentary- BUT Candy would love for each ticket holder to bring non-perishable food times to the night you are attending, for those who are able to help.  The food is for the Metro Food Bank, to help feed Nova Scotia.

Ticket list for each night is filling up fast!  The tickets will be ready for pick up in a week or two.  For those who have already emailed their ticket requests, Denise will be in touch with you to let you know when and where to pick up your tickets.

Please note:  Tickets will not be mailed.  Tickets are pick up only.  First come first serve via email:    Must be 19 years or older.

Candy Show on APTN

Watch for The Candy Show airing this fall 2010 on APTN HD and APTN. A NEW Canadian Variety TV show – showcasing East Coast Musical Talent and Performing artists.
This is something new and refreshing to watch on TV and on line at APTN.CA
Comedy by the Queen of Comedy – Candy Palmater. Each episode has comedy, music and one visual performing artist. By the end of the each episode you want more……. Prime TV series, written/ created/ hosted by Canada’s queen of comedy and funny woman, Candy Palmater.

Taping Season 1

Filmed in front of a Live Studio Audience.
Doors Open at 6:00pm and Close at 7:00pm SHARP! (Don’t be late!)
Location: Olympic Centre, 2304 Hunter Street, Halifax, NS

The Candy Show is produced by Fancy Shoes TV Inc. which is a partnership between Candy Palmater and multiple award winning .

EPISODE 1 – APRIL 28, 2010

Musical Guest: Katey Day
Performer: Glenn Knockwood (Parkour)

EPISODE 2 – APRIL 29, 2010

Musical Guests: In-Flight Safety
Performer: Reed iZreal Jones (Spoken Word)

EPISODE 3 & 4 – APRIL 30, 2010

Musical Guests: The Whiskey Kisses;
Asia & Nu Gruv

Performers: Eastern Eagle (Aboriginal Drummers/Singers) with Ashley Julian (Fancy Dancer);
Monique Ryan (Belly Dancer)

EPISODE 5 & 6 – MAY 1, 2010

Musical Guests: Garrett Mason, Black Moor
Performers: Caitlan Anthony (Contortionist); Patrick Drake (Magician)


– The Brooklyn Warehouse
– Venus Envy

(Musical guests can change without notice.)