Category Archives: Candy Reads – Book Review

Candy reads all the time and she likes to share her own review of the book with you. Candy is honest and her reports are thorough.

NEW Candy Reads book review. “The Long Stretch”, by Linden MacIntrye


Candy Reads – book review

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NEW Book review ( Candy Reads) – Dee Snider of Twisted Sister

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Candy Reads – Book review about DeeSnider, by Dee Snider of Twisted Sister

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Candy Palmater wears many jackets – she is an Aboriginal Stand up comedian and National TV host/star, which she performs her stand up comedy, but she is alos a Youtube guru with 2 channels.

One channel: Candy reviews books, Delivers rants, does haul videos, make tutorials and just about anything she wants to vlog for her fans.

Second channel: Comedy and The Candy Show – her hit National Variety TV show

Be sure to subscribe to both channels, so you do not miss out on the many new videos, and free giveaways that are in the works.

Here are a few other links to Books  – Candy Reads you might enjoy:

Candy,s Book Collection

Wild – By Cheryl Strayed – Book review

The Hunger Games – Book one