Tag Archives: first nation keynote speaker

Aboriginal Youth – Dream Walkers Gathering 2014

Dream Walkers 2014Candy Palmater and Adam Beach are the headliners for this event.  Candy will speak and is the emcee for the 2 day event at the Tim Horton’s Onondaga Camp in St. George Ontario.

Education is extremely important to Candy, and much of her travels across the country and nation she speaks to students, educators, Government, Management and more, speaking on various topics around the importance of education. Each week she teaches Native Studies course at Dalhousie University in Halifax for the TYP, Transition Year program. In all her speakings/ teachings and even her comedy, you can hear the clear message of education, love and being true to yourself.

Candy is one of kind. Her technique, style and use of solemn emotion creates a safe environment for learning and feeling, while empowering the participants to be the best we all can be in life.

BOOKINGS for your event CLICK HERE


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