Tag Archives: The Candy Palmater Show

The Candy Palmater Show on CBC Radio One afternoons

In case you missed it, Candy is on the largest national radio station in Canada and hosting the biggest afternoon talk radio show currently happening during this summer!  Check the show out weekdays 1-3PM EST on CBC Radio One and Sirius XM 169, OR check out the podcast Check out the website and all the details of past shows, podcasts, music, guests and more here: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/candy

BOOKINGS: Yes, Candy is still booking for events: speaking, hosting, comedy, public appearances and more….  Click here and inquire on rates and availability: http://www.thecandyshow.com/contact/

Thanks for listening, and be sure to follow on Social Media:

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/cbccandy

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cbccandy

PERSONAL Accounts:  https://twitter.com/TheCandyShow 



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CBC New family member

The Candy Palmater Show has two weeks under her belt and what an awesome ride thus far. Candy Palmater and her team have been working extremely hard and diligently to bring the country content, music, stories and thought provoking inclusiveness to all the listeners. Feedback has been extraordinary and we Thank you for listening. Tune in WEEKDAYS 1-3PM EST to CBC Radio one, The Candy Palmater Show.

Last night Candy was on CBC Because News which you hear Saturday June 11th, 2016 on CBC Radio

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