“Running Down a Dream”hits the shelves October 18, 2022 with Harper Collins Canada.
Category Archives: Canadian Entertainment
September schedule of events, projects and mentions
Hello wonderful fans and friends,
It has been a long time since our last posting, but, thank you for sticking with us. A change will be coming to all social media and website soon, but please, stick with us. More postings will be announced to keep you updated on everything happening with Candy Palmater.
First, Comedy shows coming. One September 14th TaDa! Festival in Wakefield, Quebec and the other will be at Seneca College on November 7th, 2019. Rare comedy shows for Candy outside the corporate comedy world, these two will be open to the public for ticket sales. Ta Da Festival http://www.tadafestival.ca/
Candy will be at AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) September 30th, 2019 one to one conversation with Salman Rushdie! SOLD OUT https://ago.ca/events/browse
Recently the one and only Margaret Atwood named Candy Palmater one of the 12 International women who are shaping our future. The words “She suffers No Fools” was aptly used. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/margaret-atwood-has-nominated-the-12-women-who-are-shaping-our-future-lgv27c0b3
Candy is currently working hard to complete edited draft of her script for her first book with Harper Collins, set to drop spring 2020,. Stay tuned for release date.
Candy continues to travel the country speaking to corporations, educational sectors and other clients. Soon she will be back at Seneca College for a new lecture series in early 2020.
Update for October schedule will come your way soon.
Thank you for sticking with us, please feel free to leave us a message.
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) Special event, moderator, Candy Palmater
Saturday Candy will moderate two panels. Check out the information to see what the panels are and when.
PODCAST coming soon – Sweet Talk w/ Candy Palmater
2018 Spring update for Candy Palmater/ The Candy Show Entertainment Company.
Candy when she worked at Dept. Of Ed, as the Director of Mi’Kmaq Liason Office. Sense of humour with her every step of life.
This coming week, Candy will be starting her Podcast taping. Season one of Sweet Talk w/ Candy Palmater begins. The first season will have 12 episodes. The first episode will be available on iTunes and on our website click here to subscribe so you catch the first episode when it is up. Follow on all social media links too all under Candy Palmater, or The Candy Show. (to the left of this message you will find the links to all social media accounts).
Candy is working hard on completing her first book, first draft. The fast approaching deadline is this spring for Harper – Collins, and the book is set to release spring 2019. Time is ticking on quickly, and with Candy flying/ gigging all around the country on a weekly basis this leaves limited time for socializing.
Catch our vlogs on The Candy Show YouTube Channel, plus other videos of Book Reviews, Empties, and other videos we post. Our active YouTube Channel will keep you up to date along with our lives as we share raw footage of how we are, who we are, how we live, honest, and real. Next vlogging session starts April, Vlogril 2018, when we vlog every single day for the month of April. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel here.
More news will be updated here, and on all social media sites. Thank you for sticking with us, and for your constant support.
Fall 2017 – Candy schedule
Happy early fall everyone.
Summer had been a wonderful, crazy busy time for Candy. In case you missed some of the action of new projects and upcoming projects here is a little recap:
- Candy signed a Book deal with Harper-Collins Canada – Candy is hard at work writing in her down time when not traveling for events/ gigs. Book is set to release Spring 2019.
- Candy is working on another APTN series where she is Narrating 13 episodes – titled Skindigenous. Watch for the NEW TV series coming soon.
- PODCAST: Yes, Candy’s own podcast is in the works right now. Set to launch winter 2017. More details will come, so stay tuned to the website and subscribe to not miss out on the launch.
FALL 2017
The schedule is jammed packed with Candy traveling from one coast to the other this fall. UNBC next week then to NFLD next month, with many other provinces in between. Candy will be speaking with Peter Mansbridge on September 29th at Mount Allison University – Mansbridge Summit. Details HEREhttp://www.mta.ca/Community/Campus_life/Campus_events/Mansbridge_Summit/Schedule/Schedule/
Events COMING UP: Comedy in Hamilton, Candy will be at Stratford Writers Festival, Also, speaking with Author Thomas King at the Art Gallery of Ontario, and many more events. Be sure to check out the schedule on the website to follow Candy’s travels.
CBC Radio One – Because News, Candy is a recurring columnist – you can catch this taping LIVE and in studio – see CBC for FREE tickets to these tapings.
Where is Candy Palmater for JUNE 2017???
Here is the June 2017 post for you. Many of you awesome fans have been emailing and social media inquiring where will Candy be and why isn’t she on the Radio?? Here is a quick look at June:
- June 5th – Video recording for magazine with new column
- CapeBreton – June 7, 8th, 2017
- June 9th-14th many writing project deadlines – she will be based back in Toronto for these projects – two for books, one of her very own…. watch for the press release with the details, plus she is a NEW columnist for Chatelaine and there is more….
- June 15th to 22nd – on the road and air to the West Coast, North Coast and East Coast of Canada.
- June 23 – July…. early July we are taking a much over due vacation/ break and will be out of commission for a couple weeks.
- PODCAST time... when we come back from our break, Candy will back on the airwaves my friends. Not right away as we will be busy taping the episodes and meeting with our Producer , so on. BUT rest assured, you will have Candy to listen to very soon, and not seasonal. You will be able to listen to her all year round!!!! HOW EXCITING!!! SUBSCRIBE to our website so you do not miss out on more news updates with Projects and events in your area.
Toronto Book Summit June 15th, 2017 Inclusion BC conference 2017 LIVE show at Rebecca Cohn Halifax June 20th LIVE broadcast outdoor concert Halifax waterfront June 21st
Keynote speaker travels coast to coast to coast June 2017
Here we are another month down and more travels in sight for Candy Palmater. Currently Candy is grounded for a couple weeks at home in Toronto gearing up for events and projects for many months to come, going into 2018. June 2017 is in the next month with many events from coast to coast to coast in Canada.
First we look at what Candy is working on. Writing the National annual event for National Aboriginal Day on June 21st. Candy writes the entire 5 hour live broadcast and this year there are 16 hosts, 8 stages (cities) across the nation. Candy will be hosting the Halifax stage in addition to writing the live broadcast. The broadcast will be on APTN. (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network)
Candy will be taping The Debaters on June 20th in Halifax as well. This is taped in front of a live audience at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium and will be aired on CBC radio one.
The many events and gigs Candy will be on tour for are for Corporate and Private events – BUT, if in the maritime provinces if you wanted to see Candy the APTN and CBC events open to the public. we have no other public events noted at this time. July 2017 Candy Palmater will be speaking at the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), so maybe we will see you there.
Candy is busy with many writing projects: Live broadcast, Magazines, book projects and others we cannot speak publicly just yet. But hold on, the details will be released soon. Be sure to subscribe to the website for free updates.
Our Voices 2017 ~ Candy Speaks
Fantastic week. Quick update on all things Candy.
Wednesday May 10th, Ottawa at The National Arts Centre for The Thought Table discussion, taped in front of a live audience and will be streamed on CBC on line and National TV later. Please check out link: Reconciliation
Thursday May 11th, Toronto, for CBC Radio One Because News taping – final for this season – get your tickets at CBC for a spot in the audience.
Friday May 12th, Milton, ON ~ Keynote speaker for this amazing 10th anniversary event, Our Voices for Educators., Listen to the voices that have been quieted for centuries.
Powerful and Inspiring keynote speaker moving mountains
Hello wonderful people.
We wanted to share with you a myriad of updates and events coming up that Candy Palmater is either speaking at, or performing for, or writing, or narrating, or acting, or …. well you get the idea of how multi faceted this Canadian Entertaining Diva , in her talents, is so wanted and loved. She loves right back and gives herself each and every time she hits the stage, the mic, the podium, the airwaves and TV waves. 100% solid, but not plain or simple. From Coast to coast, Candy is receiving Standing O’s everywhere she goes, there really is no other Powerful speaker like Candy Palmater. You really cannot have too much Candy! (Candy quote). BOOKING INQUIRIES
I invite you to take a look at the schedule page here, to see where she might be heading your way. She is in the air more than on the ground as of late, but when she is here she is Narrating a new Docu- series on CBC TV – True North Calling, or writing the entire LIVE National TV Broadcast for Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) AbDay LIVE 2017 – 7 stages set out across the country, PLUS Candy will be your host for the Halifax Stage this year – June 21st, 2017 for National Aboriginal Day!
International Womens Day is fast approaching and she is booked solid for this one day. First she is in Peterborough in the morning, then we head to Burlington for the evening event – both keynote speaking events. Before March 8th, Candy will be in Ottawa on March 4th for the New Sun Conference performing some comedy – maybe we will see you there! See a couple posters clients have drawn up. Candy has many other schools, Universities, unions, Corporate, Educators, Indigenous, Equity events coming up in the next many months… BUT Let’s watch for her on CBC TV as she defends the book The Break by Katherena Vermette for CANADA READS 2017
Laughter is the BEST medicine
The holiday season is fast approaching. The gift of laughter is a gift that keeps on giving when Candy Palmater is on stage. Labelled the Thinking Person’s Comic, she will make you laugh to tears and hours later have you wondering, “Why the heck am I thinking about…”
To Book Candy for your event/ party/ gathering click here
- NEW projects in the works – news to break in the coming weeks
- WATCH for media and Documentary series Candy has filmed recently to launch – be sure you are subscribed to our website and all our social media platforms where the dates and times will be posted for your viewing pleasure.
- NEW radio show in the works/ planning stages for CBC Radio
- Listen to Candy on program: Because News and The Next Chapter – various times/ dates as Candy guests
- MASSIVE news to drop in the new year 2017 – Are you subscribed yet to our social media? all under TheCandyShow handle – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and of course this official Website
- Book you ask – something is coming!!
- You can watch all episodes of The Candy Show (Multiple award winning TV Show on APTN) All 5 Seasons still run!
- The Candy Palmater Show on CBC Radio One on podcast – check out HERE click to listen to Candy’s summer show