Tag Archives: Best motivational speaker

Keynote speaker travels coast to coast to coast June 2017

Here we are another month down and more travels in sight for Candy Palmater. Currently Candy is grounded for a couple weeks at home in Toronto gearing up for events and projects for many months to come, going into 2018.  June 2017 is in the next month with many events from coast to coast to coast in Canada.

Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 10.46.48 AMFirst we look at what Candy is working on. Writing the National annual event for National Aboriginal Day on June 21st. Candy writes the entire 5 hour live broadcast and this year there are 16 hosts, 8 stages (cities) across the nation. Candy will be hosting the Halifax stage in addition to  writing the live broadcast.  The broadcast will be on APTN. (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network)

Candy will be taping The Debaters on June 20th in Halifax as well. This is taped in front of a live audience at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium and will be aired on CBC radio one.

The many events and gigs Candy will be on tour for are for Corporate and Private events – BUT, if in the maritime provinces if you wanted to see Candy the APTN and CBC events open to the public.   we have no other public events noted at this time. July 2017 Candy Palmater will be speaking at the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), so maybe we will see you there.

Candy is busy with many writing projects: Live broadcast, Magazines, book projects and others we cannot speak publicly just yet. But hold on,  the details will be released soon.  Be sure to subscribe to the website for free updates. Candy pink couch

Motivational/ Inspirational/ Team Building Cultural Keynote Speaker

Good morning everyone,

Sorry for the long delay in between the last post to this one.  These past few months have been exceptionally busy and we are not complaining. Candy Palmater has been flying all over the country on a keynote speaking tour, and the month of November is not letting up. Candy’s flare for speaking to High Schools has her in Ontario this month traveling to many secondary schools in the Upper Grand District School Board, as well as delivering her important message at the Conference held in Guelph Ontario.

Candy was out west speaking at the Central Okanagan Teachers Association in Kelowna, BC for their Development Day, at the end of October 2013.  Candy’s message is being heard far and wide.  She has been as far away as New Zealand and as close as Nova Scotia High Schools, where she will be heading to Horton High School in early December.

Candy is no stranger to conferences.  She will be at the Disabilities Conference in Sydney Cape Breton, as well as Education Conference in Guelph, Northern Women’s Conference in Toronto and the Equity Conference also in Toronto, over the next few weeks.Adding 2 speaking tours to the list in November and she is one busy woman. Spreading several, positive, uplifting, inspirational, and motivational messages in the unique style that is Candy.

POWERFUL MESSAGE: ( Pentecostal  Minister APPROVED)

Weeks after Candy delivers her incredible talks, participants often will be emailing Candy telling her how she had helped them.  Candy’s often being told that her message is healing.  That she is a medicine woman, and a natural healer, by elders in the Communities, and this is her gift from the Creator.  Candy is spreading Love everywhere she travels. Leaving her mark and an impression that will be embedded in everyone who listens.  You can hear a pin drop when she speaks to a crowd of 500 students. You can hear the quietness of the synapse occurring in those who listens to Candy’s message, even touching those to a point, that tears stream down the cheeks. In the next story you will be laughing until your stomach is sore and cheeks are tired from exhaustive smiling.  After one hour, you will feel like you have never felt before, sometimes a little lighter than you did 60 minutes before hearing Candy speak.  But you walk around carrying yourself a little differently.  You feel a change in attitude in life, and towards others around you.

One particular school Candy spoke to last year had a terrible bullying problem. Candy was called it to see what she could do. After delivering her message, many students did not want to let her go, and thanked her for speaking about the topics she did.  We received a message later that day that the three bullies of the secondary school decided to turn themselves in to the Principal’s office, and even one cried. Everyone deserves a chance.

Skeptics have even had an undercover Pentecostal Ministers in the audience. Fearing that Candy may be speaking about messages that young people should not hear. At the end of Candy’s speech, once the line up of young people tapered  down from receiving hugs, there was one man left in the lineup.  He introduced himself as the  Pentecostal Minister, and he was sent by concerned members of his church to listen in on what Candy Palmater was saying.  He simply smiled and wondered what he was doing there. He told Candy that her message is powerful and her sermon is in line with his, Love and kindness. There was nothing bad about that.     Candy’s message should be heard by everyone.

For Business Inquiries: http://www.thecandyshow.com/contact/

This concludes today’s message. Often we talk about Candy Palmater The Comedian, or Candy Palmater The TV Personality,  The YouTube Gal, The Actor, but not often you get to hear about her Speaking.   I will post about her recent Comedy gigs and her upcoming events.  For now, I invite you to check out her Calendar here:

Candy PalmaterTomorrow I will post about Candy Palmater- The Entertainer!

Have a great day,

Denise Tompkins – Candy’s Manager