Tag Archives: love

Grand Marshal – Ottawa Capital Pride 2017

This August ,(August 21st to 27th, 2017), Ottawa Capital Pride week will happen. The Grand Marshal this year is Candy Palmater. There will be many events Candy will be attending throughout that week, plus delivering an empowering message at the vigil,  then ending the week with the pride parade, celebrating in the nations capital.

Solidarity, love and kindness Candy is honored to be this years Grand Marshal.   Candy and her wife Denise will be celebrating their 7 years of marriage during the week of events as well. Come out and show your love and support, be an ally,  and attend as many of the events this week of pride will host.  August 21st to August 27th, 2017.     One love.

LINK HERE  of media release.

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Keynote speaker travels coast to coast to coast June 2017

Here we are another month down and more travels in sight for Candy Palmater. Currently Candy is grounded for a couple weeks at home in Toronto gearing up for events and projects for many months to come, going into 2018.  June 2017 is in the next month with many events from coast to coast to coast in Canada.

Screen Shot 2017-05-25 at 10.46.48 AMFirst we look at what Candy is working on. Writing the National annual event for National Aboriginal Day on June 21st. Candy writes the entire 5 hour live broadcast and this year there are 16 hosts, 8 stages (cities) across the nation. Candy will be hosting the Halifax stage in addition to  writing the live broadcast.  The broadcast will be on APTN. (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network)

Candy will be taping The Debaters on June 20th in Halifax as well. This is taped in front of a live audience at the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium and will be aired on CBC radio one.

The many events and gigs Candy will be on tour for are for Corporate and Private events – BUT, if in the maritime provinces if you wanted to see Candy the APTN and CBC events open to the public.   we have no other public events noted at this time. July 2017 Candy Palmater will be speaking at the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum), so maybe we will see you there.

Candy is busy with many writing projects: Live broadcast, Magazines, book projects and others we cannot speak publicly just yet. But hold on,  the details will be released soon.  Be sure to subscribe to the website for free updates. Candy pink couch

Halifax Pride Parade and other news

Saturday July 26th is the infamous annual Halifax pride parade. Thousands of people will come out to watch, participate, show their alliance and unity that really, one love is human nature, and this day marks this fact. Halifax pride parade is the 4th largest in Canada. That is awesome considering we are a tiny province and our person per province tally is lower than most. We sure know how to pump out an awesome pride festival and parade. See you Saturday 1:30PM parade start time. MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE. lipstick pride

Candy , a proud 2 spirited woman, has united for a special campaign with BBBS Halifax (Big Brothers Big Sisters). She is the face of the their campaign and will be on the big float, helping to gather clothing donations from the parade goers to help the kids that are in desperate need of help. MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE.  BBBS and Candy


The Candy Show (National Television series) is nominated for an Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award 2014. Voting is open to people all over the world, help Candy win! APCMA nomination 2014CLICK HERE TO register and vote for FREE

Simple: To vote you must register , but it is FREE, and then you go to the voting categories. The category you are looking for is: BEST TELEVISION SERIES and THE CANDY SHOW is the second on the list. Click the little box and send in your vote, and that is it! It’s that simple. You can only vote once, so make sure you click on the correct box. Share with everyone you know. Let’s help Candy win! Thank you for your vote and your support.


WeDay Atlantic Canada 2013

Good day everyone.

Just wanted to share with all of you some pictures from yesterday.  The WeDay event held at Halifax Metro centre was a blast, and the amount of energy each student was exuding was so powerful and positive over the day.  Candy spoke about Love, kindness, acceptance and inclusion.  Here are a handful of pictures we would like to share with you.  They can be found on The Candy Show Fan Page on Face Book, and I wanted to share them with you here:

Candy with front man Jacob Hoggard of Hedley providing the metal scowl, back stage in green room of WeDay
Candy with front man Jacob Hoggard of Hedley providing the metal scowl, back stage in green room of WeDay
Candy Palmater speaking to 8000 students at Halifax Metro Centre centre stage at WeDay 2013
Candy Palmater speaking to 8000 students at Halifax Metro Centre centre stage at WeDay 2013
Candy with the right honorable Michaelle Jean back stage at WeDay 2013
Candy with the right honorable Michaelle Jean back stage at WeDay 2013
Candy delivering a powerful message to 8000 students on the center stage of WeDay 2013
Candy delivering a powerful message to 8000 students on the center stage of WeDay 2013
Candy speaking center stage of WeDay, note the jumbo tron, and how immensely massive this place is.  Halifax Metro Centre. So fun.
Candy speaking center stage of WeDay, note the jumbo tron, and how immensely massive this place is. Halifax Metro Centre. So fun.


Thank you for your continued support and love.  I will be adding for photos to this album as I receive them.

You can find and follow Candy Palmater  on Twitter   Instagram   Facebook fan page

You can follow me (Candy’s Manager) on Twitter for updates/ news and more about The Candy Show and Candy’s events/ gigs/ tour dates and more…..

Until next post….