Tag Archives: edgy comic

Wearing 2 hats – Comedy and Speaking

Good morning,  Candy and (The Candy Show) fans -Today’s blog is  written by me, Denise Tompkins, Candy’s Manager.

Today’s blog post is more about Candy, rather than her videos,  and her life style YouTube Channel.  I want to provide all of you with details of Candy Palmater’s talents.  Many of you might only now her as a Professional stand up comedian, or maybe a National TV star, or just as an inspirational speaker.  I want to introduce all of Candy’s talents to you.  I would not be a good Manager if I didn’t, now would I? (*smile)

Candy Palmater’s number one, greatest talent is her ability to captivate audiences with her Key note speeches. She can make you weepy and laugh through the power of her words, and at the same time feel motivated or become active in your cause, business and education.  Here are a few of many testimonials from clients Please read I have the pleasure of attending Candy’s key note speeches, and just when I think I have heard everything, wham, I am knocked off my feet with emotion once more.  I feel fueled with my every day tasks and with my career, not to mention how I interact with people. Candy’s speeches help with self confidence, motivation with life in general but more importantly, how you move through life on your own path.  Candy’s stay in school message brings her speaking to auditoriums in junior high and high schools across the country.  Candy speaks to college and university students, educators, Principals, and vice principals.  Everyone walks away with a heightened sense of importance that helps each person with their life journey. Once you hear Candy speak, you will never see the world the same again.   I’d like to invite you to read About Candy

I believe the second greatest talent of Candy Palmater, and this is a very tight second, perhaps 1.5 rather than a 2,  is her Stand up Comedy.  There isn’t a single person alive today that delivers comedy the way Candy can deliver.  I have searched and I am yet to find other like her, trust me.  There are many awesome comedians performing their craft, and many utilize the “industry normal” or “industry standard” as I like to call it.  I think this is great,  and I think that stand up comedy is a true art form.  You try getting up on a stage in front of 500 people, just you, and entertain for 1 hour solid. Bet you can’t do it, I know I would have a massive coronary if I even try stepping on a stage.   There are many styles of stand up comedy, and many unique ways to deliver the funny to the audience.  Candy Palmater’s comedy is unique, friggin hilarious, most often edgy, and educational.  At the moment of delivery, the  impact of a joke can make you laugh until you pee yourself ( I have witnessed many aftermaths after Candy has been on stage, and this has happened). But at 3 AM you wake up thinking about the underlying message in Candy’s material.

Candy’s comedy Shows are often Produced by her Manager, me, or she travels the country to large events, Corporate functions, private festivals, outdoor festivals, TV specials, and private functions.  Catching a stand up comedy show is your city/ province or country is very limited, but that does not mean she won;t be there. Contact BOOKINGS and we will bring her to you.  Candy has performed in front of an audience of 50 people, and as large as 12,000 people. There is no venue that is too large for Candy, “bigger the better”, Candy says.  Candy receives emails, fan messages, new fan messages and social media tweets about her comedy shows, TV show ( The Candy Show – variety national Television series where Candy performs comedy), and her speaking all the time.  I love to hear that her message is out there, people are listening and people are loving Candy’s vibe.   Wikipedia – Candy Palmater

** Candy writes all her comedy material and her National TV show is 100% written/ created/ Co-Produced by Candy Palmater**   Many comedians of her caliber, have co-writers, not Candy. ( This is unique in itself).  Candy’s Comedy YouTube Channel

Candy’s Television Series

Thank you for supporting Candy Palmater.  My goal was to boast about my client, and I hope my summary blog paid homage to a great Canadian Comedian, an awesome Canadian Entertainer, and a wonderful, intelligent, and kind person.

Please leave us your comments, we love to hear from you.

Manager – Denise Tompkins