Hello you wonderful fans!
We apologize for not having many updates on this official Candy Show website and blog at the moment. We currently do not have a fixed address until June 1, when we move into our new place, when our office will be back up and running. We like to thank you for your patience. There is a lot of new swag that will be loaded up to the Candy Store page shortly after June 1, plus some changes are coming to our blog on the front of the website, with daily updates! Many upcoming ventures for Candy will be updated in the calendar, many exciting gigs, TV appearances and so on. We will ensure that you, the fans, will know everything that we know, so you are kept in the loop.
Thank you so much for your continued support… watch for our new subscription for the website as well, as Candy will be blogging: YouTube videos, rants, book reviews, shows, comedy and much more…
Please feel free to email me, Denise Tompkins, if you have any questions. You can go the contact page and submit all your email questions and comments, and I will reply to each one of you.

Candy sends her love to all of you.
If you have suggestions of what you would like Candy to blog about, again, send me an email. All emails are read, we love to hear from you.
Have a super grand day,
Denise & Candy
Here is a Youtube clip of the setting up of The Candy Show Season 3 set, for you to enjoy: