Tag Archives: ECMA week 2013

Its Just Another Mani Monday – Comedian Candy Palmater loves her manicures

This week’s manicure look “Its Just Another Mani Monday”, needed to match up the Canadian Comedian’s gown for The Canadian Screen Awards, a.k.a Gemini Awards.  Have a look at the slide show at the design Candy Palmater chose to rock with her Award show attire.

  ** click on each photo to move through the slide show quickly**

Its Just Another Mani Monday Details:

Sally Hansen Nail applique called “All Laced Up”

What is Happening this week?

It is East Coast Music Awards week.  The ECMA’s are in Halifax, and it is a busy week for Candy.  Candy Palmater has been nominated for an ECMA – media person of the year, with her National television show, The Candy Show.  The Candy Show has a Canadian Screen (Gemini) Nomination for Season 2, for best direction.  This is a great year so far for the Canadian Aboriginal Comedian!

Candy Palmater is hosting the 3 Molson late night stage Gala’s at the Delta Halifax.  For tickets to the show, go to the ECMA website.
