This week on The Candy Show – funny woman Candy Palmater & Guests

WEDNESDAY February 12th, 2014  10pm EST/ 11pm AST

NEW episode of The Candy Show ( National Television series on APTN & APTN HD). National TV show


COMEDY: by The Creator/ Writer/ female comedian Candy Palmater – opening monologue

MUSIC: First Nation artist Joey Stylez

PERFORMER: Magic of Michael James

The Candy Show is Produced by Candy Palmater and Co-Executive Producer Johanna Eliot of Ocean, together formed Fancy Shoes TV INC.

Fancy Shoes TV INC. A partnership of Candy Palmater and Johanna Eliot of Ocean Entertainment.
Fancy Shoes TV INC. A partnership of Candy Palmater and Johanna Eliot of Ocean Entertainment.


Joey StylezFunny female comedian

Candy Palmater
Candy Palmater

The Candy ShowMagician Michael James