This WEDNESDAY on the hit National TV Series, The Candy Show

The Candy Show Wednesday 10pm EST/ 11pm AST on APTN and APTN HD Channels. National Variety TV series with Canadian Music, Stand Up Comedy by Female Funny First Nation comic: Candy Palmater and other Performing artists.  The Candy Show is filmed in front of a live studio audience, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

This week:

MUSIC GUEST: Ryan Cook – East Coast Musician

PERFORMANCE BY: Lindsay Eekwol Knight – First Nation poet

COMEDY/ HOST/ WRITER/ CREATOR: Candy Palmater – stand up Comedian

Bookings and Business Inquiries for Candy Palmater: click here.

Candy Palmater

Candy with Ryan Cook and Band
Candy with Ryan Cook and Band
Lindsay Eekwol Knight
Lindsay Eekwol Knight

Ryan CookCandy and Eekwol

After the wall signing