Tag Archives: the coast

Vote for Best Comedian in Halifax

It is that time again to vote for Halifax’s Best Of, and we are asking for you sexy beasts to take a few minutes to vote on line. You can vote from anywhere, and do not have to be a resident of Nova Scotia, how cool is that. Here is the Ballot for the online pole of The Coast.  Voting Ballot
You can only vote once, and we are asking for 2 categories…don;t worry they are on the same page, which is 2. AND you DO NOT have to vote for anything else to make the vote count.
Page 2. BEST COMEDIAN – Candy Palmater BEST COMEDY NIGHT – The Candy Show TV Taping.
Thank you so very much for doing this…. here is a bit of Candy comedy for your viewing pleasure. httpv://youtu.be/fvODwIv-CB8

Until the next blog, tomorrow, “It,s Just Another Mani Monday” – comando anyone……

VOTE for BEST of Halifax – for Candy!

We all Love Candy!
WEBSITE: www.thecoast.ca
INSTRUCTIONS: top right corner, click on “best of”. Drop down menu appears, click on first line “vote for best of halifax”, this will take you to the survey, and vote in the bottom categories please:

– BEST COMEDIAN : Candy Palmater
– BEST COMEDY NIGHT : The Candy Show live taping
– BEST TV FEMALE ACTOR : Candy Palmater
– BEST WEBSITE: www.thecandyshow.com

Thank you so much for your continued support and for taking the time to vote! Candy loves Halifax and is a MAJOR supporter of East Coast Music and East Coast talent, let’s show Candy how much we love her!

Have a great day!
Denise Tompkins – Manager

VOTE for THE BEST OF Halifax!

Hey Candy Show fans, please go to this website and vote in the following categories:(www.thecoast.ca, right hand corner, “Best Of” drop down menu, click on the top link to vote)

BEST COMEDIAN: Candy Palmater
BEST COMEDY NIGHT: The Candy Show, S2 live taping
BEST WEBSITE: www.thecandyshow.com

Thank you for supporting The Candy Show – Candy Palmater – the woman that supports East Coast talent!

Denise Tompkins – Manager/ Booking agent

ITS TIME! To vote for The Best of Halifax 2011

Visit: www.thecoast.ca

Top right corner of the website is a “Best Of” tab. click on the poll, and follow the instructions. The Categories we are asking all of The Candy Show/ Candy Palmater fans to answer are:

Best Comedian: Candy Palmater
Best Comedy Night: LIve Taping The Candy Show Season 2
Best website: Thecandyshow.com
Best TV actor ( female): Candy Palmater

Please vote and pass this along to all who love Candy! We want to show Halifax who the best is, and Candy Palmater rocks! Who best to tell the rest of the country who the best Comedian in Halifax is then her awesome fans. Thank you for taking a few minutes to fill out the vote form, you only need to fill in a total of 10 categories in order for it to count, so leave the rest blank if need be. Many thanks from The Candy Show team for your ongoing and continuous support!
Take Care,
Denise – Manager/ Booking agent