Tag Archives: TV comedian

News/ updates/ comedy shows

Hey everyone,
Just to provide some news and updates about recent shows, YouTube giveaways, upcoming Comedy Shows and The Candy Show TV Production.

Up coming Comedy shows for September

Candy will be heading to Banff tomorrow morning to headline a Comedy show at the Kinnear Centre, then the following week she will be in Saskatchewan headlining a comedy show for Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.  ( please visit the calendar to view dates and details).

Recent shows/ events

Candy was in Quebec, Ontario, Cape Breton, Havre Boucher, and Halifax for various comedy shows, Celebrity yard sales, fundraisers, and festivals.  We have compiled a photo Gallery of all the places Candy has been in the past handful of weeks.

YouTube Channels

Comedy Channel

Life Style Channel  –  Candy currently has a MASSIVE Giveaway on this channel right now.  Please visit her YouTube channel, and watch the Giveaway video.  This is open to every country, so please watch the video and follow the easy steps to qualify. Contest open until October 1st, 2012.  The winner will be announced on this date.  Good luck!





Stand-up comedy – Moose Call


Please SUBSCRIBE to Candy’s Youtube channel – each week Candy posts videos of Health, make-up, Product hauls, tutorials, rants, Comedy, and of course her hit national TV series – The Candy Show

The Candy Show youtube channel

More updates on Season 3 of The Candy Show coming very soon…….