Tag Archives: aboriginal comic

Wednesday March 20th – NEW Episode of The Candy Show on APTN

Tonight’s Episodes of The Candy Show: with Guests: Ghettosocks ( Music) and Kyle Scott ( Fire Performer), and of course COMEDY with Aboriginal Stand up comedian, Candy Palmater. 11PM EST/ 12 midnight AST, on APTN and APTN HD Channels.

  ** To move through slide show quicker, simply click on each picture**  Get a sneak peak of the guests on tonights episode.

Missed the first few episodes of Season 3 of The Candy Show on National TV?  Not to worry, watch them all here: Network Online Episodes


Season 3 Launch Party – hosted by Canadian Comedian, Candy Palmater

Last night was the Season 3 premiere of The Candy Show., on APTN and APTN HD channels.  Aboriginal Comedian hosts her own National Variety TV series with Musical guests, East Coast Artists and Performers….. and stand up comedy by the host, Candy Palmater.

To start the night off a big launch party was held at Michael’s bar & Grill on Young Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia. ( Halifax is where The Candy Show is filmed).   The night was filled of love, friends, family, press and fabulous fans.  Many Thank you’s go out to each and every person that came, for sharing this wonderful night with us.  A special big THANKS goes to the music artists that performed: Christine Campbell, Chris Martin and Like A Motorcycle. ( all of who will be guests on Season 4). Please enjoy the photographs. ** Photographs taken by Stoo Metz – Stoodio** 

**To move through the pictures quicker, simply click on each one**

Did you miss the Season premiere on TV last night? Not to worry, watch it on line at the Network here APTN

For a sneak peak of the Guests who are on Season 3, and their air dates: Click Here

Follow us on Twitter: The Candy Show


Off The Leash writer, Jeremy Webb’s take from attending the Season 3 launch party this week. Click here for article

First Nation Comedian on the cover of a Magazine, on the APTN Marquee

Well this is big, exciting news.  Candy Palmater, Canada’s only Gay, Native, woman Comedian with a hit National Television Show on APTN, is on the cover of the big National Aboriginal Magazine, SAY Magazine, which is also on the giant marquee of  Aboriginal People’s Television Network (APTN) in Winnipeg! 

This week:

Candy is in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and she will be performing stand up comedy on the big stage at the Inspire Awards., where she will be sharing the stage with the country singer, Terri Clark. Blog

The Indpsire Awards is a National Live to tape Televised events.


Aboriginal Day LIVE! Candy Hosts live Televised event on APTN


Yes, this is correct.  APTN’s largest LIVE televised event is June 23rd and you can watch it on National TV, APTN, as it happens, live from Winnipeg and Regina.  Watch Candy ( of The Candy Show) host/ interview all the musicians on the stage in Winnipeg from her big pink bed replica, like the bed on set of her National TV show, which will be on stage.  Thousands of people will be gathered for the great event, tons of great aboriginal musical guests will rock the stage at the forks.

Set your DVR if you are not home, this is something you do not want to miss.

Saturday June 23rd, 2012 9PM EST.  Check your local service provider for exact time in your area.



Happy National Aboriginal Day June 21st

National Aboriginal Day is a day recognizing and celebrating the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples of Canada.[1] The day was first celebrated in 1996, after it was proclaimed that year by then Governor General of Canada Roméo LeBlanc, to be celebrated on June 21 annually. Most provincial jurisdictions, however, do not recognise it as a statutory holiday.

The day of recognition came about after a series of calls for such a celebration. In 1982, the National Indian Brotherhood (now the Assembly of First Nations) called for the creation of a National Aboriginal Solidarity Day to be celebrated on June 21. Slightly more than a decade later in 1995, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples recommended that a National First Peoples Day be designated. Also in that same year, a national conference of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people chaired by Elijah Harper, titled The Sacred Assembly, called for a national holiday to celebrate the contributions of Aboriginal peoples to Canada. June 21 often coincides with the summer solstice.

The above text was taken from Wikipedia.org – for more information.



Today Candy is performing on stage at Chippewas of The Thames First Nation in Ontario.  Then Candy heads to Winnipeg for Aboriginal Day Live!  stay tuned for more….


Stand-up comedy – Moose Call


Please SUBSCRIBE to Candy’s Youtube channel – each week Candy posts videos of Health, make-up, Product hauls, tutorials, rants, Comedy, and of course her hit national TV series – The Candy Show

The Candy Show youtube channel

More updates on Season 3 of The Candy Show coming very soon…….

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This Google Group will email you directly all and everything related to The Candy Show – TV, Comedy Gigs, News, Media, you name it! You will also be notified when the next Season of this NEW hit Canadian Television series airs in the fall. This is a monthly mail out for now. When important news hits for The Candy Show, you will read it here first!