Tag Archives: brash

National Variety Television Series – The Candy Show

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Hello, good morning, good evening, and Good day fantastic people,

Hope you are enjoying listening to Candy Palmater on CBC Radio One on Studio Q:  Please send in your positive comments in support to CBC to have Candy be the permanent Host by emailing: Q@CBC.CA and / or tweet using #Qthefuture and including Candy’s twitter handle @TheCandyShow and @CBCRadioQ

On Tuesday January 27th, 2015 a brand new episode of Season 5 of The Candy Show, national variety award winning Television series in Canada. The Candy Show showcases the best in Canadian Music, entertainment and art and comedy.  This includes many Juno Award winners, ECMA winners, APCMA winners, as well as international super stars.  9:30PM EST, or tune in for the previous week’s episode just before the new one, for a full hour of The Candy Show on APTN and APTN HD Channels.

This week coming we  have Halifax Poet Laureate El Jones, and you don;t want to miss this incredible piece titled “Pussy”.   This new fast paced electronic/ pop band will have you off your seat, Halifax based and soon to become nationally known, Neon Dreams.

The Candy Show is Created/ Written and hosted by Stand up Comedian, Candy Palmater – catch her stand up monologue off the top of each new exciting episode. Tune in Tuesday 9:30PM on APTN.

NO TV – NO worries watch the newest and all the seasons of The Candy Show episodes on line here:   http://www.aptn.ca/thecandyshow

photo credit: Stoo Metz – Season 5 principle still photographer

First Nation NATIONAL TV Host/ Comedian/ Producer/ Writer – NEW Ep The Candy Show

Ultimate in Entertainment, Native Awesome Candy Palmater is getting ready for filming Season 5 of the hit National TV show, The Candy Show end of April/ May first week. FREE tickets to be in the audience for all nights of taping.  The day time filming is off limits, but we would love to welcome you on set in the evening, full of magic, entertainment, some of the TOP Musicians, Performers in the Country will be on Season 5.  Juno Award winners, International Superstars that are Canadian and The funniest Aboriginal Comedian in the country, will have you in stitches and sore facial muscles by the time you are leaving.  FREE can you believe the price!  FREE, ticket requests HERE  The COMPLETE Guest list lineup will be posted to this website soon…. be sure to subscribe and be the FIRST to see the list when it is posted right here!

THIS WEEK ON The Candy Show S4 – (Episodes of last season are airing now on APTN): WEDNESDAY APRIL 2 10pm EST/ 11pm AST

MUSIC by: Death Valley Driver – mixture of First Nation/ Inuit talent our of Prince Edward Island, heavy, awesome, and Talented!

PERFORMANCE by: Caitlan Anthony – she wears many athletically performance hats, this week she is on the TRAPEEZ!! Performing aerials on set of The Candy Show….

HOST/ COMEDIAN: Candy Palmater – She is Canada’s ONLY First Nation (Mi’Kmaq) Lesbian, bold, ex-lawyer funny woman with her own hit NATIONAL TV show.  Hilarious… not censored, brash, honest and lovable.

News/ updates/ comedy shows

Hey everyone,
Just to provide some news and updates about recent shows, YouTube giveaways, upcoming Comedy Shows and The Candy Show TV Production.

Up coming Comedy shows for September

Candy will be heading to Banff tomorrow morning to headline a Comedy show at the Kinnear Centre, then the following week she will be in Saskatchewan headlining a comedy show for Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations.  ( please visit the calendar to view dates and details).

Recent shows/ events

Candy was in Quebec, Ontario, Cape Breton, Havre Boucher, and Halifax for various comedy shows, Celebrity yard sales, fundraisers, and festivals.  We have compiled a photo Gallery of all the places Candy has been in the past handful of weeks.

YouTube Channels

Comedy Channel

Life Style Channel  –  Candy currently has a MASSIVE Giveaway on this channel right now.  Please visit her YouTube channel, and watch the Giveaway video.  This is open to every country, so please watch the video and follow the easy steps to qualify. Contest open until October 1st, 2012.  The winner will be announced on this date.  Good luck!