Hello wonderful people,
Sorry it has been a while since my last posting about Candy Palmater and The Candy Show. We are currently working a few massive projects for Candy and once we have the go ahead to release the information, you will receive it here, first. YouTube Channel we are working on NEW daily vlogs for you, sharing our days and other activities on The Candy Show YouTube Channel. Vloguary is happening. We like to invite you over to the channel, there is something for everyone. Book Reviews: Candy Reads Playlist , there is a playlist for Beauty Makeup Collection by Brand Series: My Makeup Collection by Brand Series, the ever popular Series titled EMPTIES: Empties Playlist – this is a crowd fav. Candy reviews Beauty and non beauty favs she uses up each month and shares her honest opinions, and so much more. Of course, 2016 VLOGUARY is on all month: VLOGUARY 2016 Playlist
More news will be coming shortly. Gigs, events, project unveils and much more. Be sure to subscribe to the blogs and I will be updating as we move along.
Meetings of 2 Canadian YouTube Personalities: Candy and Lindsay Does Nails MeetUp