Tag Archives: Q

CBC Radio q Candy Palmater Guest Hosts

Candy Palmater selfie before the live show on Monday August 17th/ 2015
Candy Palmater selfie before the live show on Monday August 17th/ 2015

Good morning folks! Sorry for our long absence it has been quite the summer. After having moved from Halifax Nova Scotia to Toronto Ontario, we are still working hard to bring more Candy to you all across the nation and globe. Today and all this week, week two, Candy is guest hosting q on CBC radio, be sure to tune in for exciting interviews executed by Candy Palmater.

MORE Upcoming events:

– Candy will be working with development people at CBC Radio for her own show

– Candy is heading to Vancouver in September for a corporate event that she will be speaking to hundreds of participants

– Candy Palmater will be the Host/ Sole Presenter and Script Writer for 2015 ImagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival Annual Awards Show being held at TIFF Bell Lightbox October 17th, 2015 in Toronto

– Candy is writing some development and involved in a NEW National Television series on APTN titled: Sex & Candy – stay tuned for more….

Be sure to check out her YouTube Channel, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where you will receive various current daily updates and fun pics/ facts and real life goings on.

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Candy Palmater, The Candy Show and Q updates

Hello wonderful people!images



First piece of news I want to share is that Candy Palmater has made the tiny shortlist of hopefuls for the permanent HOST seat for Q on CBC Radio one. The decision will be made soon, and we are asking everyone to send in positive emails to CBC : Q@CBC.CA and/ or tweet using the hashtag #QTheFuture and using Candy’s twitter handle @TheCandyShow in the same tweet. We ask for your continued support and love, as this is a fantastic opportunity to hear Candy daily. Many of your have already sent in your supportive emails to CBC, we thank you so much for your love and kindness. Without you Candy would not be doing what she loves to do, entertain and speak to people through her art and passion. I thank you so much for taking time from your busy schedules to support Candy Palmater.


Now, next week is another NEW episode of Season 5 on APTN and APTN HD Channles – 9:30PM EST/ 10:30PM AST – check your service provider for exact air times in your time zone and country.

GUESTS: Singer/ song writer: Irish Mythen

: Host Drum Group: Eastern Eagle

; Comedian/ WRITER/ HOST/ CREATOR of The Candy Show: Candy Palmater will help you forget your troubles for 30 minutes and provide entertainment therapy.

The Candy Show was filmed in front of a live studio audience in Halifax. Fancy Shoes TV INC. is owned by Candy Palmater and business partner Johanna Elliot of Ocean Entertainment.



Q on CBC Radio: Candy Palmater Hosts week of Jan 19th

Happy Thursday wonderful people. We have some momentous News for you in this short blog. Short and sweet, just how we like to provide news to you. Get right to the point . Here we go:


Big News in Canada.

Candy Palmater of the award winning national TV show, The Candy Show, and comedian, will be Guest hosting on CBC Radio One Q – week of January 19th, 2015. Candy is in the running for the permanent seat as well, please feel free to (hashtag) #Qthefuture and tweet @TheCandyShow along with your support to @CBCRadioQ or, email: Q@CBC.ca in support of Candy.  Here is the link to the CBC Radio Website: Candy on Q


The Candy Show Season 5 ( #TCSS5) or (#TheCandyShow) airs TUESDAY nights 9:30PM EST on APTN & APTN HD Channels. Tune in 30 minutes earlier to catch the episode from the week before, then right after a brand NEW episode will air. This week on award winning TV Show:  Follow Candy Palmater on Twitter: @theCandyShow

Comedian/ Host: Candy Palmater

MUSIC Guests: Susan Aglukark  and Rich Aucoin – TUESDAY JANUARY 20th, 2015 on APTN & APTN HD Channels