The Candy Show, National Television series on APTN and APTN HD channels is nominated for an Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award 2014, for BEST TELEVISION SERIES that promotes and supports Aboriginal Music. PLEASE help us win buy voting for FREE and is open to every person around the globe. TO VOTE:
Simply head on over to the official website of APCMA click HERE
1. Register for Free to the website
2. once registered you will be eligible to VOTE for FREE.
3. Choose the category: BEST TELEVISION SERIES – it is nearest the bottom of the nomination list, and click on the category.
4. Once in the category, THE CANDY SHOW is the second one on the list and click on the little box associated, and submit your vote. Don;t forget to hit submit. NOTE: You can only vote once and once you vote and submit you cannot change your vote.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support. VOTING is OVER July 31st 2014. Candy will be hosting the night she is nominated,and we will keep you posted on the results.
Have a super day, and see you all again soon. Please pass this along to every person you know. Every person with an IP address can VOTE.
Thank you again to all you amazing people.
Denise – Candy’s Manager