Tag Archives: gay

Grand Marshal – Ottawa Capital Pride 2017

This August ,(August 21st to 27th, 2017), Ottawa Capital Pride week will happen. The Grand Marshal this year is Candy Palmater. There will be many events Candy will be attending throughout that week, plus delivering an empowering message at the vigil,  then ending the week with the pride parade, celebrating in the nations capital.

Solidarity, love and kindness Candy is honored to be this years Grand Marshal.   Candy and her wife Denise will be celebrating their 7 years of marriage during the week of events as well. Come out and show your love and support, be an ally,  and attend as many of the events this week of pride will host.  August 21st to August 27th, 2017.     One love.

LINK HERE  of media release.

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Halifax Pride Parade and other news

Saturday July 26th is the infamous annual Halifax pride parade. Thousands of people will come out to watch, participate, show their alliance and unity that really, one love is human nature, and this day marks this fact. Halifax pride parade is the 4th largest in Canada. That is awesome considering we are a tiny province and our person per province tally is lower than most. We sure know how to pump out an awesome pride festival and parade. See you Saturday 1:30PM parade start time. MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE. lipstick pride

Candy , a proud 2 spirited woman, has united for a special campaign with BBBS Halifax (Big Brothers Big Sisters). She is the face of the their campaign and will be on the big float, helping to gather clothing donations from the parade goers to help the kids that are in desperate need of help. MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE.  BBBS and Candy


The Candy Show (National Television series) is nominated for an Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award 2014. Voting is open to people all over the world, help Candy win! APCMA nomination 2014CLICK HERE TO register and vote for FREE

Simple: To vote you must register , but it is FREE, and then you go to the voting categories. The category you are looking for is: BEST TELEVISION SERIES and THE CANDY SHOW is the second on the list. Click the little box and send in your vote, and that is it! It’s that simple. You can only vote once, so make sure you click on the correct box. Share with everyone you know. Let’s help Candy win! Thank you for your vote and your support.


Candy emcee NSRAP Gala in October 2011

Candy Palmater emcee's  this great Gala Night

In 2010, the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project (NSRAP) celebrated 15 years of service to Nova Scotia’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) or Rainbow Community. NSRAP has been working since 1995 across Nova Scotia as a voice for our right to legal and social equality. Over the last 15 years NSRAP has been a strong advocate for the rights of our communities. NSRAP played a key role in the Halifax Rainbow Health Project and continues to work on Transgender health issues, including provincial funding of Sex Reassignment Surgeries, and the rights of LGBT Elders in long term care. NSRAP has participated in numerous human rights cases involving same-sex rights, and was instrumental in bringing marriage equality to Nova Scotians.
NSRAP believes in working collaboratively throughout the Community and with government, businesses, institutions, and individuals to foster change. As our community advances from legal equality to true social equality, we rely on interested volunteers and active members who identify and bring relevant issues to the Board for action.
Please visit: www.nsrap.ca for donations and more information.