Tag Archives: best host

Candy Palmater, The Candy Show and Q updates

Hello wonderful people!images



First piece of news I want to share is that Candy Palmater has made the tiny shortlist of hopefuls for the permanent HOST seat for Q on CBC Radio one. The decision will be made soon, and we are asking everyone to send in positive emails to CBC : Q@CBC.CA and/ or tweet using the hashtag #QTheFuture and using Candy’s twitter handle @TheCandyShow in the same tweet. We ask for your continued support and love, as this is a fantastic opportunity to hear Candy daily. Many of your have already sent in your supportive emails to CBC, we thank you so much for your love and kindness. Without you Candy would not be doing what she loves to do, entertain and speak to people through her art and passion. I thank you so much for taking time from your busy schedules to support Candy Palmater.


Now, next week is another NEW episode of Season 5 on APTN and APTN HD Channles – 9:30PM EST/ 10:30PM AST – check your service provider for exact air times in your time zone and country.

GUESTS: Singer/ song writer: Irish Mythen

: Host Drum Group: Eastern Eagle

; Comedian/ WRITER/ HOST/ CREATOR of The Candy Show: Candy Palmater will help you forget your troubles for 30 minutes and provide entertainment therapy.

The Candy Show was filmed in front of a live studio audience in Halifax. Fancy Shoes TV INC. is owned by Candy Palmater and business partner Johanna Elliot of Ocean Entertainment.



The Candy Show – Slowcoaster, Candy Palmater & Tattoo Episode


WOW! Another awesome new epsiode will air on TUESDAY February 10th, 2015 9:30PM EST on APTN. This award winning national television series showcases the best in Canadian Music, comedy, performing arts and culture. The Candy Show is created by, written by, hosted by, Candy Palmater Executive Producer.

This weeks Guests: Indie Rock Artists – SLOWCOASTER

: Tribal Ink Tattoo Artist – Troy Lane

: Comedian – Candy Palmater

The Candy Show was filmed in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Please help Candy be the NEW permanent Host of CBC Radio One’s Show Q, by emailing : Q@CBC.CA showing support that Candy Palmater is the next host. She is one of the contenders to take the seat. Listen to her Guest Host from the week of January 19th -23rd, 201510712703_812571975465593_5535960438668518973_n


Dog Days of Summer in Halifax

This Saturday August 9th, Candy will be hosting the annual DDOS (Dog Days of Summer). The Halifax downtown business Commission puts on a fun time in parade square for families, and pointed towards many who have dogs. There is even a doggy fashion show you can enter your pooch into.  EVENT DETAILS: 12 noon – 1:30PM DDOS 2014Bring the entire family and especially your puppy dog(s) to this event. Lot’s of activity, things to do and some free stuff too.  For more information, please visit this link that will take you directly to the Halifax website for this event. CLICK HERE.

Candy is currently away performing Comedy at Moose Factory First Nation, Ontario. She will be home on Friday for plenty of time to rest up for the big event on Saturday.

For many fans of Candy Palmater, many of you know Candy for her Comedy, her National Television Show THE CANDY SHOW, and for her acting and professional speaking. Did you know she also has a YouTube Channel? Yes, it is TheCandyShow Channel. Everything from beauty videos, to Book Reviews, Vlogging  and also a few rants may sneak in there. LINK TO HER YOUTUBE CHANNEL.  Our goal is to hit 5000 subscriber by end of 2014. We are well on our way, but need your help too. Please subscribe and share with everyone you know. Just watch a video to see Candy in her natural element of entertainment and sharing her love of beautiful things with all of you.

Tons of exciting events coming up this month and the next few months. She will be performing comedy for the Mi’Kmaq summer games, then off to Ontario for speaking engagements, and then hosting APCMA award night, and presenting on another. The Candy Show is also nominated for an Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award for her work in promoting and showcasing Aboriginal music on her hit National TV series. She will find out that night if she walks away with an APCMA. Saty tuned here, The Candy Show website, so be sure to subscribe to the free updates.

Thank you everyone. Please be safe this summer, don’t drink and drive, drink responsibly and have fun.

Until next time…..

The Candy Show management team.

Ultimate Host and gay and Native and funny comedian Candy Palmater

Hello friends,

Wow, what a Season we just filmed in Halifax.  The Candy Show Season 5 was a blast, and filled with high energy guests and jammed packed audiences of all walks of like, of all ages and ethnicity. The Candy Show is about love and kindness, and the hilarity of Candy Palmater along with some of Canada’s top Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal musicians and performers.  Season 5 is currently in Post Production, the dates are not set for airing yet, but be sure to subscribe to the website to not miss the Season 5 premiering date.

Immediately after filming The Candy Show, the very next day, Candy Palmater has been filming and getting ready for the Massive televised event of the year on APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network), June 21st – National Aboriginal Day. Halifax hosts the big outdoor stage on the waterfront.  The event is hosted by Candy Palmater and her Co-Host Don Kelly.  Join her for some fun, some Primo entertainment, tons of music  – View the official Website here for more information.   The Event is FREE BTW, so be there Halifax.  The event is live to National TV, for many of you who cannot be there in person, on APTN.

Celebrity Host - Candy Palmater - Live TV Production
Celebrity Host – Candy Palmater – Live TV Production

Candy is also on the road for speaking gigs, comedy gigs and more. See her schedule page to see where she is… she might be in your province or country!

One June 21st in Toronto, the Book Launch of 10X10 will be during pride week. Candy is one of the featured Gay celebrities that will be in the 4th annual book.  Be sure to head over to the event if you are there.  ( Candy may or may not be there – we do not know if she can make it yet).  But the book will be for sale.

Candy is featured as one of the Nations Gay Celebrities
Candy is featured as one of the Nations Gay Celebrities

This month is gearing up to be exciting, hot and fun.

Thank you for reading, subscribing and your on going support. Don;t forget to watch The Candy Show LIFESTYLE YouTube Channel  Where there is something to watch for everyone.  Beauty, Book Reviews ” Candy Reads” segment, Hauls, Empties, OOTD, Favourites, odd rants, Vlogs, and so much more…..  PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and share the channel with your friends.  We are aiming for 5000 subscribers by December 31st, 2014. We need your help to fill this goal.  It is free and easy to do.  Thank you so much.

Until next time, please be kind and love one another.

~ The Candy Show team

Halifax Jazz Festival – Candy to Host

Happy Friday everyone.

This is a day later then I like to post, but tonight in Halifax, Candy Palmater is hosting at The Pavilion with The Extremities and A Tribe Called Red.  It is going to be quite the show.  For more details on the event and more of the Festival, please click here

Candy is no stranger to the music scene in Canada, most particularly East Coast. With her national award nominated Television series currently in its 4th season, featuring Canadian Musicians from all over the country, it is a perfect fit for Candy to host.  Candy’s ECMA ( East Coast Music Award) nomination is rightly earned, and the mutual respect between Candy Palmater and all music artists is real and honest. The Candy Show reflects the love between the artists, you can watch every Wednesday night on APTN and APTN HD channels.

Stay tuned for more upcoming Comedy, hosting, speaking events and gigs Candy will be at, you never know when she might be in your area.

Calendar of events for Candy

Follow Candy on Twitter, Instagram, FaceBook Fan Page, and YouTube channels.

The Candy Show audience is the best Television audience in the world!