Tag Archives: the candy show

Where is Candy Palmater for JUNE 2017???

Here is the June 2017 post for you.  Many of you awesome fans have been emailing and social media inquiring where will Candy be and why isn’t she on the Radio??   Here is a quick look at June:


  • June 5th – Video recording for magazine with new column
  • CapeBreton – June 7, 8th, 2017
  • June 9th-14th many writing project deadlines – she will be based back in Toronto for these projects – two for books, one of her very own…. watch for the press release with the details,  plus she is a NEW columnist for Chatelaine and there is more….
  • June 15th to 22nd – on  the road and air to the West Coast, North Coast and East Coast of Canada.
  • June 23 – July….  early July we are taking a much over due vacation/ break and will be out of commission for a couple weeks.
  • PODCAST time... when we come back from our break, Candy will back on the airwaves my friends.  Not right away as we will be busy taping the episodes and meeting with our Producer , so on.  BUT rest assured, you will have Candy to listen to very soon, and not seasonal.  You will be able to listen to her all year round!!!!  HOW EXCITING!!!  SUBSCRIBE to our website so  you do not miss out on more news updates with Projects and events in your area.

Powerful and Inspiring keynote speaker moving mountains

Hello wonderful people.

We wanted to share with you a myriad of updates and events coming up that Candy Palmater is either speaking at, or performing for, or writing, or narrating, or acting, or …. well you get the idea of how multi faceted this Canadian Entertaining Diva , in her talents, is so wanted and loved.  She loves right back and gives herself each and every time she hits the stage, the mic, the podium, the airwaves and TV waves.  100% solid, but not plain or simple.  From Coast to coast, Candy is receiving Standing O’s everywhere she goes, there really is no other Powerful speaker like Candy Palmater. You really cannot have too much Candy!  (Candy quote).  BOOKING INQUIRIES

Candy at Appleby College, Oakville, ON IMG_5155 IMG_5197IMG_5152


I invite you to take a look at the schedule page here, to see where she might be heading your way. She is in the air more than on the ground as of late, but when she is here she is Narrating a new Docu- series on CBC TV – True North Calling, or writing the entire LIVE National TV Broadcast for Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) AbDay LIVE 2017 – 7 stages set out across the country, PLUS Candy will be your host for the Halifax Stage this year – June 21st, 2017 for National Aboriginal Day!

International Womens Day is fast approaching and she is booked solid for this one day. First she is in Peterborough in the morning, then we head to Burlington for the evening event – both keynote speaking events.  Before March 8th, Candy will be in Ottawa on March 4th for the New Sun Conference performing some comedy – maybe we will see you there! See a couple posters clients have drawn up. Candy has many other schools, Universities, unions, Corporate, Educators, Indigenous, Equity events coming up in the next many months… BUT Let’s watch for her on CBC TV as she defends the book The Break by Katherena Vermette for CANADA READS 2017New Sun small poster 2017 FINALScreen Shot 2017-02-24 at 9.46.19 AM

Candy Hosts Q on CBC Radio

Hello wonderful people.

The Candy Palmater Show has now ended for the summer and you can catch Candy on CBC Radio q weekday mornings. She will be hosting the National program until October 21st, 2016. There are many more projects in the hopper,  information cannot be released as of yet.  Stay tuned and be rest assured that Candy will still be around. Thank you for your concerns and worries.

Later this fall Candy is traveling for speaking gigs and events all around our wonderful country. Many of these events are corporate therefore private.

Thank you for your continued support, love and we are reading all the mail and social media notes sent to us. We apologize for not responding right away to your messages, keep em coming and we will reply. Candy loves your heartfelt kind words and love.

Just wanted to type out a quick note – and please check out our social media accounts . Our website will be undergoing a major over haul soon…….. I will keep you posted, and stay tuned.

One Love,

~ The candy Show team

Canadian YouTube Personality

Hello wonderful people,

Sorry it has been a while since my last posting about Candy Palmater and The Candy Show. We are currently working a few massive projects for Candy and once we have the go ahead to release the information, you will receive it here, first.  YouTube Channel we are working on NEW daily vlogs for you, sharing our days and other activities on The Candy Show YouTube Channel. Vloguary is happening. We like to invite you over to the channel, there is something for everyone. Book Reviews:  Candy Reads Playlist , there is a playlist for Beauty Makeup Collection by Brand Series: My Makeup Collection by Brand Series, the ever popular Series titled EMPTIES: Empties Playlist – this is a crowd fav. Candy reviews Beauty and non beauty favs she uses up each month and shares her honest opinions, and so much more. Of course,  2016 VLOGUARY  is on all month: VLOGUARY 2016 Playlist

More news will be coming shortly. Gigs, events, project unveils and much more. Be sure to subscribe to the blogs and I will be updating as we move along.

Meetings of 2 Canadian YouTube Personalities: Candy and Lindsay Does Nails MeetUp

Candy Palmater selfie before the live show on Monday August 17th/ 2015
Candy Palmater selfie before the live show on Monday August 17th/ 2015

Vlogmas #Candy&Denise on The Candy Show YouTube Channel

Screen grab from Day 2 Vlogmas 2015 - opening of the advent calendars!!!
Screen grab from Day 2 Vlogmas 2015 – opening of the advent calendars!!!

The Candy Show Youtube Channel

What is Vlogmas?  Please SUBSCRIBE to our channel. Click on the link above to take you to our YouTube Channel.

Vlogmas is vlogging every single day from December 1st to December 25 on #TheCandyShow YouTube channel. We (Candy & Denise) capture on video, (reality TV on the net), our daily activities and you all over the world can watch for FREE. Many YouTube personalities contribute and we would love to share our lives with you. Each day is different and you never know where we will be or what will happen.  Advent Calendar openings are shared in each video daily as well!! Share the fun with us, watch every day, and make sure you SUBSCRIBE to our channel. Click the link above to take you there.

  • Hashtag for Vlogmas: #Candy&Denise

The Candy Show Youtube Channel. Our channel has a variety of interesting topics. SUBSCRIBE, SUBSCRIBE please.

  • Beauty – monthly favourites, empties (products used/ reviewed), tips, Hauls, makeup, tutorials and tips.
  • BOOK Reviews – #CandyReads – avid reader and enthusiast (plus writing her own books (still in the works) ). Candy shares her honest opinion on the most recent books she has completed reading. You can see our massive library collection we filmed a few years back, mind you it is now modified quite considerably, some given away and mainly many more added. We will update this video once we live in a house again.
  • VLOGGING – includes: Vlogmas, Vlogune (Vlogging the entire month of June), Vlogril (vlogging the month of April)…. you get the picture. Plus random vlogs, sometimes events Candy performs in or hosts, or other unique gigs and travels.
  • OOTD – Outfit of the Day videos
  • Random topic videos

The Candy Show Youtube Channel is where you will find Candy most regularly when she is not on the road traveling for events/ gigs. Currently residing in Toronto, Candy is working on her new TV series on APTN called Sex & Candy, and is in development of her new Radio show for CBC. Stay tuned after Christmas for more details.

Indigenous Music Awards 2015

Candy with award IMA 2015 award IMA 2015

The Candy Show won for BEST TV Series for the second year in a row at the Indigenous Music Awards held in Winnipeg.  Thank you to each and every one of you who voted from all over the globe, and for your love and support. We share this award with you…. but we will hold onto it in our office. Candy hosted the red carpet while her category was announced and the great Canadian icon ,Fred Penner, presented Candy with her award on the red carpet during her hosting. It was fantastic! I caught it all on vlog which will go up sometime next week when we get back from Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The Candy Show is Created, Produced, Written 100% all material and Co-executive produced…… hosted let’s not forget, by Candy Palmater. Candy had hired a team from ocean Entertainment in Halifax to help with production for the five seasons, under the name Fancy Shoes TV INC.


Red Carpet Affair – Indigenous Music Awards 2015

IMA 2015The Candy Show Youtube Channel


More news updates for you right here.

Candy Palmater is your 2015 Host for the Read Carpet extravaganza event in Winnipeg, at the Indigenous Music Awards, televised LIVE on APTN. The big night is Friday September 11th, 2015, and Candy’s National award winning Television series, The Candy Show, is nominated for BEST TV SERIES this year.  Candy will also be a presenter for one of the awards during the night as well.

Be sure to tune in and watch your favorite artists get interviewed by  Candy on the red carpet!


  • be sure to tune into Netflix and watch for Season 10 of Trailer Park Boys, Candy acts in this international series. No date is posted , but we wanted to give you heads up.
  • Candy will be in Halifax, Toronto, Vancouver and P.E.I this fall for various Corporate events and gigs.
  • Candy is writing and Hosting the ImagineNATIVE Film Festival Award night at the TIFF Bell light box in October – watch for that!
  • Writing a NEW national Television series for APTN, Sex & Candy a night time talk show – coming soon
  • In development with CBC Radio for a new podcast program with Candy
  • Candy is working on her first book. Far enough away from publishing yet, and no other details can be released at this time.
  • Finally: A TORONTO Meet up is going to take place, and with a TON of personal giveaway items that were Candy’s/ Be sure to tune into her YOUTUBE channel, be a subscriber and do not miss the big meet up  – meet the star and get your pic taken….oh and get some goodies.
  • The Candy Show YouTube channel link is noted above this blog. click on over and watch, subscribe, share and like

CBC Radio q Candy Palmater Guest Hosts

Candy Palmater selfie before the live show on Monday August 17th/ 2015
Candy Palmater selfie before the live show on Monday August 17th/ 2015

Good morning folks! Sorry for our long absence it has been quite the summer. After having moved from Halifax Nova Scotia to Toronto Ontario, we are still working hard to bring more Candy to you all across the nation and globe. Today and all this week, week two, Candy is guest hosting q on CBC radio, be sure to tune in for exciting interviews executed by Candy Palmater.

MORE Upcoming events:

– Candy will be working with development people at CBC Radio for her own show

– Candy is heading to Vancouver in September for a corporate event that she will be speaking to hundreds of participants

– Candy Palmater will be the Host/ Sole Presenter and Script Writer for 2015 ImagineNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival Annual Awards Show being held at TIFF Bell Lightbox October 17th, 2015 in Toronto

– Candy is writing some development and involved in a NEW National Television series on APTN titled: Sex & Candy – stay tuned for more….

Be sure to check out her YouTube Channel, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where you will receive various current daily updates and fun pics/ facts and real life goings on.

Thank you for subscribing to our free non invasive website newsletter.


VOTE for BEST TV Show: The Candy Show

Hello wonderful people!

The Candy Show Youtube Channel

Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards

Hope your summer is safe, fun, and everything you want it to be so far.  We are gearing up to move to Toronto in two weeks from today, and we are in full swing of packing, working and Candy is flying to Toronto to perform Comedy at the PAN AM GAMES, how exciting. When she returns to Halifax, we will then drive to Ontario, Candy, me and our three little puppies. We plan to vlog the entire affair, so be sure to tune into our Youtube channel: TheCandyShow (link for our Youtube channel is above this post), so you can catch all the travels as we drive across 4 provinces in Canada.

THE CANDY SHOW (national award winning TV series on APTN), is nominated for another Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Award. Please help us WIN by voting from anywhere in the world. It’s FREE and easy, and takes only a couple minutes. Link is above.

STEPS: click on link. Register or sign in (for many who supported us last year and still have an account). Then, scroll through to BEST TV SHOW category in the 2015 nominees list on the home page. CLICK THE CANDY SHOW. Click the dot and submit. It’s that easy and quick.   Thank you so much.

Enjoy your summer. Be safe. Be kind. Love yourself.

The Candy Show Team: Candy Palmater and Denise Tompkins

The Candy Show mascots: Chopper, Bruiser and Pearl



Canadian Music, Arts, culture and Comedy – The Candy Show

Hello and Happy Friday the 13th everyone!

I am happy to announce that we have two episodes of The Candy Show back to back on Tuesday March 17th, 2015, starting at 9PM EST for a full hour of Comedy, Music, Arts and Entertainment in Canada.


COMEDIAN/ HOST and WRITER of The Candy Show: Candy Palmater

MUSIC: Jessie Brown and The Divine


**This episode will begin at 9:30PM EST on APTN and APTN HD Channels**


THE CANDY SHOW Season 5 – Tuesday March 17th, 2015

EPISODE beginning at 9PM EST on APTN and APTN HD Channels.

COMEDIAN – Host/ Writer/ Executive Producer: Candy Palmater

MUSICIAN: Iskwe from Toronto – don;t miss this artist performance

PERFORMERS: Belly Dancers from Halifax – Monique and Laura


Candy Palmater has MANY exciting projects up and coming, we will post here once they all begin to unfold for you. But more TV shows, radio shows and Guest spots and Comedy gigs coming your way…. stay tuned for more news on this news as we secure all the goodies. Candy did not get the permanent Host seat on CBC Q, however, this means more exciting things are about to happen…….

Have a great weekend!

Thank you for your continued support and love.